New Comic ‘Darkmoon’ a multimedia Halloween treat

The images I've seen so far are stark like this one. It promises to have a grim and haunting atmosphere only a moon can provide.
The images I’ve seen so far are stark like this one. It promises to have a grim and haunting atmosphere only a moon can provide.


I love to troll Steam and Twitter to find new indie games, so one night when I had a hankering for a comic book that was something dark and moody, I thought I’d give the method a try with comics. I happened across a new comic-book project titled Darkmoon. It is a little reminiscent of  ‘The Fall,‘ a game I reviewed and loved. It aims to bend what we think of with comics by utilizing a soundtrack to play along with your comic. This isn’t a new concept, and I believe it’s been done by some apps, and yours truly would love to do it in the future with “Vile: Lost Legends of the West,” but the implementation and the process is what sets it apart. As Tom Freeman, one of the creators of the comic explains, it is the first shot at a full comic book by anyone on the team. Way to shoot for the moon. I love the idea of some fresh voices coming to comics and trying something new. If it’s done and done well, it could be a great experience. Tom also let me know that they are working hard to have the comic out by Halloween, which would be ideal.

The story

The story follows a scientist named Dante and occurs in the latter part of the 21st century. Dante’s team of scientists are in their lab creating a device to allow teleportation when a freak meteor lands in San Francisco. The team  risks using the unfinished technology, and is able to escape to the seemingly safe distant moon. They quickly find that things are not as safe as first thought, however.

For more information on Darkmoon, check back here often, as I will be reviewing it for Halloween, and Tom Freeman should be appearing on our podcast, SOBS for our Halloween episode. There is also more information at their website, and follow their twitter for updates. Here’s to wishing the Darkmoon team Godspeed and lots of energy to get the project completed by All Hallow’s Eve.

Follow Richard on Twitter @rpdgame and follow him here for the latest game news and reviews.

I don't think scientists were taught to shoot monsters on distant moons. At least, not at MIT.
I don’t think scientists were taught to shoot monsters on distant moons. At least, not at MIT.